Ligatne Municipality
LĪGATNES NOVADS (Ligatne Municipality) was founded in 2009 as the result of administrative-territorial reform. Two administrative territories – Ligatne Town and Ligatne Parish - were merged together. There is one town – Ligatne – and 4 villages in the territory of Līgatne district. Three quarters from all the Ligatne municipality’s territory and 100% of Ligatne town territory is situated in the Gauja National Park. There are 3774 inhabitants living in Ligatne Municipality – 1169 live in Ligatne town and 2605 live in villages. Ligatne town was a busy industrial town up to 1990-ies. Ligatne Municipality is responsible for wellbeing, education and safety of its inhabitants as well as the development and popularisation of this picturesque town, provision of non-formal adult education, rural development, and social services. Municipality also educates its citizens about projects writing, entrepreneurship, procurements etc. Ligatne municipality has an adult crafts centre where adult education is provided. The crafts centre offers different types of courses.