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Photo of working day
(Main aspects – basic values of organization, daily activities, and work plan)


The final results of this method is calculation and analyses:

  • how much time the employees spends for each routine tasks

  • what kind of task is biggest part of working time

  • where can be potential wastes

  • how performance can be optimized.

Group size:

individual for as many as needed


work with form not less than 2-3 weeks


computer (and Excel table)

Expected outcomes :

For the employee:

  • identification of losses of working time , determination of its causes and development of measures to improve the organization of labor by eliminating losses and waste of time;

  • obtaining initial data for the development of standards for preparatory-final time, rest and personal needs, maintenance standards;

  • determination of the reasons for non-compliance by workers, study of best practices, determination of the possibility of combining professions and multi-stop services;

  • To receive the materials in order to establish the most rational organization of jobs and services.

  • Can be used by employees by his own willing to confirm his loading in case any misunderstanding between manager and subordinator

For the employer:

  • discover the potential  of working time effective using,

  • new ideas for problem-solving,

  • planning of work

  • motivated staff oriented on result,

  • self assesment approach.


The first step – development of form.

The manager have to develop the form for “photo of working day”. This form should include the following columns:

  • Day of performance (for example: 02.01.2018 etc)

  • Time periods for performance (for example: 8.00-9.15 etc)

  • Task (it is better if manager and employee in advance discuss the list of tasks which will be input in this form). For example for secretary: work with emails, work with documents, preparation to visit of partners, translation of documents etc.)

  • Time for performance (it is better to input time in minutes, for example: 45)


The second step -discussion between manager and employee.

During the discussion the manager should describe the target of this method and agreed with employee about vocabulary in form (it’s necessary to combine the data by directions of work)


The third step – filling the form (do by employees).

The employee fill in form during agreed period and send to manager final form


The forth step - finalizing and analyzing the form and results by manager.


The fifth step - discussion (manager and employee)  for feedback and presentation the results and to agree next step for improvement of working time using.


Last step can be the sharing of the results to another employees (it should be agreed preliminarily).

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