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Express adaptation in change terms
Group size:

2 - 30 (can cover unlimited numbers if step by step group by group realization)

Time Frame:

from a few days till a few months


necessary resources depend on the nature of changes that have to be implemented

Expected outcomes :

ESI, effectivity, time of implementation of changes


Preparation step to develop action/step plan/program of changes and inform the people. This plan should include the needed resources, timetable of changes implementation, SMART expected results of changes. It’s necessary correctly to assess the risks of changes as well. IMPORTANT to inform the employees about changes in advance. CORRECT information in CORRECT way is the key of successful changes! And this is first step of changes.


Second step to investigate the current knowledge, skills and competence of  employees which will be under any changes. It is needed to fix the base for changes. To investigate current situation with employees able to by theoretical test, practical sample performance, interview, questionnaire. It means that leaders of changes should choose one or some methods of employee assessment. Can be developed the theoretical test for employee (like professional specific exam). Can be developed the specific questionnaire and the employees should assess by themselves their competences. Can be conducted the interviews with employees. An employer can choose more suitable and adaptable method of assessment for actual business environment.


Third step to develop skills matrix or competence (position) profile for employees who will involve in changes according to business needs and expected changes.


Fourth step to fix the plan of development of some employees and deadline for training them.


Fifth step to implement the plan of trainings and actions based on developed plan. It is necessary to control the quality of implementation (based on interim results and feedback from employees and other stakeholders) to adjust or correct action plan if it’s necessary.


Sixth step to finalize the program and assess/fix the results. The analyze the results/employee feedback. IMPORTANT to award the people involved in changes and realized the changes.


adaptation of the method will depend on target group, business needs, expected results. Physical environment depends on business needs, technical possibilities, characters of changes (e.g. working cell in production, department in supermarket, working place in office etc).

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