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Creating a personality symbol

Overview (short introduction to the method):

This techniques helps to get to know yourself better, to be able to introduce yourself to other people through symbolic language. It is advised to use this method with a new group in which people have not previously been acquainted or know little about one another. It facilitates communication and sharing.
Group size:



at least 45 minutes


paper, crayons, pencils or paints


Introduce a personality concept based on the theories and thoughts of famous psychologists and philosophers. It is difficult to unequivocally define a personality and the process through which we acquire one.  During the session, one should attempt to answer these core questions: Who am I? How would I describe myself? What qualities and features do I most appreciate about myself? Why is it so important and so hard to know oneself?

When creating a personality symbol, one must try to discover the uniqueness of his/her personality. The symbol is much more descriptive than a word; it reveals much more about a given person or object than words have the capacity to reveal.


  1. Participants are asked to think of a symbol (something specific such as an object, plant, animal; or, on the contrary, something abstract as "Yin and Yang" symbol, or an other abstract concept created by a particular person) which could best reflect his or her  personality.

  2. Participants are asked to recreate that symbol on a sheet of paper.

  3. Participants are asked to think of how they will introduce their symbol: explain why exactly this particular symbol has been chosen, how it binds to the personality of a particular person (character, hobbies, worldview, etc.).

  4. Participants introduce their symbols. After listening to a presenter’s presentation, other participants may ask questions related to the symbol, and express their opinion about it.

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