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( Life Success formula according to Leonardo da Vinci )

Overview (short introduction to the method):

The ability to raise questions in life is more important than finding answers. Ask everyday questions that govern our thoughts, reflect the goals of life and determine the quality of life. Why, what, how, and when are the most prominent questions. 100 Questions Technique will lead us to the most important questions in our lives. Tell me what questions you are up to, and I will say who you are.


to get to know yourself better, to be able to elucidate the fundamental questions in life.
Group size:



from 45 min. until ...


paper, pens or pencils


Start with the discussion about the Renaissance genius Leonardo Da Vinci. Where is the secret of his creativity and immortality? What is the formula for his life's success? Can we achieve as much as he did?


1. Participants are asked to relax and try to write down questions “off the top of their head.”  It is important that the participants do not disturb each other; the questions should not be divided into bad or good ones, sensible or unwise. All questions that arise spontaneously must be written down.

2. The participants are asked to think briefly--without even raising the pen--to write down a 100 questions list on the sheet of paper. Some questions may be repeated.

3. After writing 100 questions, participants are asked to quietly read them and underline the 10 questions they consider to be most important.

4. Finally, participants are asked to take a look at their 10 underlined questions and pick one - the most important. This question is the most important to them at the moment.

While carrying within ourselves a question to which the answer is difficult to find, we must find within ourselves the power to stop worrying immensely about it; we must accept the question phase and see it through, without rushing, and one day, perhaps without feeling it, we may find ourselves living the answer.

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