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Overview (short introduction to the method):

The method is suitable for a group of learners who have similar work responsibilities and roles. In co-vision it is possible to search for solutions to complex situations, and learning is done through analyzing the situation that needs to be solved from the perspective of participants’ work and personal experience and developing solution strategies. Co-vision helps participants purposefully, productively and systematically seek solutions, improve their work and increase competence by analyzing more complex cases through discussions, joint learning and thinking.
Group size:

about 6


2.5 hours


pens and paper

Expected outcomes :

Covision increases the interrelations between colleagues, contributes to increased responsibility in assessing their skills and planning personal development. Implementation of covision is important for sharing practices and creating supporting circle, promoting self-reflection, being aware of the competences and topics that need to be developed, developing communication and management skills and increasing confidence and cooperation.

  1. Ask everyone to introduce themselves briefly.

  2. Ask each participant to write down a situation/case that they want to discuss and post all the situations to the wall. Choose the most popular case by asking everybody to vote for one, that they would like to discuss the most.

  3. Let the author of the case to introduce it within 5 minutes and make sure that others are listening without interrupting. After that the participants can quickly specify the details.

  4. Ask each participant to share their opinion: what would they do in the described situation? What would they recommend? Others are not allowed to interrupt, specify, add anything. The author of the case is writing down the ideas.

  5. Invite the author of the case to respond to the advices, explain extra details of the case and comment what he/she finds possible or impossible.

  6. Invite the participants to share their last comments about the case.

  7. Close the co-vision with the brief feedback circle.


Make sure that there is an open and trustful atmosphere and equity in the group.


If you have a big group, divide the participants into smaller group. It would be easier to make it simultaneously in several groups, if some of the participants were familiar with the method.

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